Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Today Is The Day!

Okay. Today is the day. I have it. It is in my hands and it feels soooo good. Hard, deliciously new and smooth to the touch. A little on the cold side, but with the fervor of my passion, it will soon be warm and comfortable between my hands. Of course, I am talking about Diana Gabaldon's new book, "The Scottish Prisoner", released TODAY! (What did you think I was talking about??) I have waited very long to be swept away again and nothing and no one does it like my Scotsman, Jamie Fraser. Well, he's not really mine.....he belongs to many, many women. I cannot wait to turn that first page and hear his voice again and be privy to his hearts' thoughts. I feel like I'm home again. Sigh! My chaise lounge awaits me, along with a glass of wine and a warm, fleece blanket. I will be escaping this evening to the year 1760, to a place ravaged by war, to a man wracked by love and death. I cannot wait.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Scotsman is Back

Here I sit in a boring staff meeting, supposedly listening to a presentation on the smart board. I decide to check my emails on my phone. I cannot waste my precious time...so I peruse through my inbox and there is an email from Goodreads titled "Upcoming Releases". My finger taps the icon....I leisurely scroll down with a gentle flick of the wrist....and there it is. The title leaps off the page and takes my breathe away....THE SCOTTISH PRISONER! OMG.....it's coming! My eyes scan the synopsis, drinking in the words I have waited long to hear again...."Jamie Fraser". I quickly tap on that little word "more"....I need more....I want more....right now! This link takes me to Diana Gabaldon's site. It is here that I let out a little cry of exhilaration, (in the middle of my meeting - thank goodness I am near the back of the room!) for what do I read on my wonderfully informative android phone? READ THE EXCERPT HERE! You mean here...now...I could be with the Scotsman who is unlike any man I have ever conjured in my deepest imagination?! Part of me wants to wait, to savor this little morsel of Jamie alone in my king-size bed, under the soft, feather duvet, where I can envision his brute manliness without any interruptions. Alone with my visions and Diana Gabaldon's magnificent prose. But I can't do it. I cannot wait. So I read...and I read....and I gasp and giggle in the very first sentence! She is a very smart woman, that Diana Gabaldon. She knows all of her Outlander fans are waiting for a piece, a morsel, a glimpse of her infamous Scottish hero Jamie Fraser. So she lets us in with an excerpt from "The Scottish Prisoner", the next book in her Lord John series. True fans know that this book will have a lot of Jamie in it. But it's like eating one of those mini chocolate bars when what you crave is the whole damn Kit Kat. A taste...but not enough to satisfy. Yet better than nothing. So here I sit, ignoring my colleagues and my boss, engrossed in this excerpt, reunited with a time and a place that has become so familiar to me. The release date for the novel is November 29th. The date is ingrained upon my memory, for it will be that night when I slip under the feather duvet and reunite with the red haired Scotsman from the 1700's we all know as Jamie.
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